Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...
James 4:8
The Youth Ministry at Zion Baptist exists to evangelize and equip 7th-12th grade young men and women for the work of ministry. Join us as we worship, fellowship, serve, and study together.
Join us!
Sunday School @ 10:00 in the youth room
Wednesday Night Service @ 5:30-7:00 in the FLC
Sunday Night D-Groups @ 5-7 (contact Jeremiah for location)
Upcoming Events
August 28
Collide Night @ Brownsville Baptist 6-8
(Dinner provided. The bus will leave Zion around 5:30)
September 8
D-Groups resume
September 13
Movie Night
Cost is $10 plus money for dinner. We will be seeing the new God's Not Dead film at Hollywood 16 in Jackson. The bus will leave Zion at 5:00
"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ..."
2 Corinthians 5:20